Hello, I'm
Alexis Gomel

Post-doctoral researcher at the university of Reading


Alexis Gomel


Welcome to my personal website! I am a physicist with a passion for nonlinear dynamics, complex systems, early warnings, statistical mechanics and its applications to many systems. My research interests also extend to education and the fields of generative AI and data science.

When I'm not delving into scientific pursuits, I love to capture life through photography, move to the rhythm of lindy hop, beat the drums, and hit the road for spontaneous hitchhiking adventures.

What I Do

I'm currently a post-doc researcher at the university of Reading.

Check My Works

Here is a list of some of my publications.

Rogue wave freezing
Tipping points
Project Title
Project Title
Filamentation statistical regimes
Send me an email: alexis.gomel@gmail.com